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What is Extra's Refund Policy?
What is Extra's Refund Policy?
Updated over a week ago

If I cancel my membership, will I get a refund of my membership fee?

You have the right to cancel your membership with us at any time. If you have an annual membership and cancel within 60 days of your first billing date, you will receive a full refund of your membership fee. Any annual plan cancellation requests submitted after 60 days of your first billing date are not eligible for a refund of membership fees.

If you have a monthly plan, you can cancel for a refund within 30 days of your first membership payment.

Please contact Member Concierge for assistance with your refund request.

What if I do not want to renew my annual membership, what are my options?

That is a great question! If you do not want to renew your membership, please contact Member Concierge at least 7 days in advance of your membership renewal date.

If you do not contact us in time and your membership is automatically renewed, you have 14 days to contact us to cancel and receive a full refund.

Disclaimer: When your Debit Card account is canceled, deactivated, or closed, your enrollment in the Extra Rewards Program will end and you will forfeit all remaining Extra Points.

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