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Dispute a Transaction

Need to submit a dispute claim?

Updated over 5 months ago

What is a dispute/chargeback?

A disputed transaction, also known as a chargeback, is a debit or credit card transaction that the cardholder believes is illegitimate in some way. The purchase may be fraudulent, they may not have received what they paid for, or the amount charged was incorrect. The ability to dispute a payment is meant to protect consumers from unauthorized transactions and potential billing errors.

Types of dispute claims:

  • Unauthorized Charges: ​You did not participate in the transaction(s) knowingly and/or did not authorize the amount debited.

  • Transaction Amount Wrong: Amount charged differs from what you authorized to pay.

  • Good/Service not as described: You received something different than what was expected or it was defective/damaged.

  • Good/Service not delivered/provided: ​You did not receive the service/merchandise.

  • Credit not processed: ​You have not received a refund you are due from the merchant and it's exceeded 10 business days.

  • Recurring Transaction: You have attempted or have canceled a recurring transaction such as a subscription.

  • Overbilled: You were debited more than once for a single purchase or you were debited twice on two separate payment methods.

Things to know before submitting a claim:

  • Before contacting Member Concierge to initiate a claim, we recommend contacting the merchant directly to settle any disputed transactions. Merchants are capable of correcting their errors, directly with you, the customer, in a much more timely manner.

  • If you have already contacted the merchant and they processed the refund, please note it can take 7-10 business days to see that reflected in your linked account.

  • The transaction must be posted to your linked bank account, this can take up to 3 business days. Transactions that are still in process cannot be used to begin a claim.

  • Any charges made through your Extra card must be disputed through us and not your connected banking institution. Any charges disputed directly through your bank will result in unpaid balances on your Extra account and could negatively impact your credit.

How does disputing a transaction work at Extra?

The Member Concierge Claims Processing team will collect the pertinent details related to your dispute and evaluate the status of the disputed transaction to determine the next steps. They will then submit the claim to the dispute processing team and you will receive updates concerning the status of your dispute via email.

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